Sunday, 4 September 2011

No longer alone!

I am so unbelievably happy to not be all by my lonesome in blog land anymore.  I have been reading all your blogs like crazy (I'm a bit obsessive about reading them from start to finish, so forgive me if I haven't got round to commenting yet, it won't be long!)  I'm so excited to get to know you all, it's funny how after reading somebody's blog you feel as though you know them in real life.  Thanks again for your lovely comments - I'm glad the followers widget is working even if I can't see who's following me, I will get the problem fixed!

In other news, I think I've finally worked out how to afford the surgery.  I decided I didn't want to tell my grandparents or step-father.  I really commend the courage in those of you who tell anyone who asks about the band - but I'm just not brave enough right now.  I'm a very hyper-sensitive person and I fear that any flippant comment, even if it isn't meant in a negative way, might derail me emotionally.  So...

The wonderful woman (close friend of my mum's) who is offering to help with surgery, I shall call her J, has offered me £3000 with the option of more if I need it.  I am bowled over by her generosity with the initial amount so I feel a bit ungrateful for asking for a further £500, but that's what I'm going to have to do.  She did offer further money so I'm not doing anything wrong by asking for more - and it is a loan not a handout, so... that's £3500 sorted.

My mum is going to contribute £1000 that she'll put on her credit card.  She's such an amazing woman, I know she'd give my sister and I every last penny if she could.

So that leaves me with £1500 to find.  As I said a couple of posts ago, there are bits of money I can access:  I have  approx £250 saved, plus £360 owed to me in tax = £610.  I'm going to apply for a student credit card which I see no reason that I'd be denied for - max is £500 I believe = £1110.  All that's left is £390.  I can make this with the money I have in my current account plus a bit of student loan money and I'll hopefully get £150-£200 from doing a bit of admin work for my uncle.

What this means is...I CAN AFFORD SURGERY!!!!!!  Wahooooooooooooooooooo!!  I haven't really felt able to celebrate until now because I wasn't sure it was going to be a possibility.  But now, I don't really see any reason why it won't happen.  Obviously pending my consultation on Wednesday, in three days time!  I asked the patient care co-ordinator in the phone if there was any reason I might be turned down - she said only if I had some serious pre-existing medical problem that would make the surgery too risky.  So unless they deem me too bonkers (I have been in therapy for over a decade), I should be up up up and away!!


  1. Hi Mari!! New Follower here! I am so glad that you got your finances figured out and you can have the Surgery!! You won't regret it.

    As for your Follower Button, I have had some problems with mine too lately. I can't always see it. Sometimes it is there, and others....

    I was able to see yours though. Then I read your Blog and some of the comments. When I went back into your blog, the Followers didn't show up! So I clicked on the refresh button, and then it showed up again!! I hope that this helps.


  2. Sounds like you are on your way. I am glad you got the money worries sorted out.

  3. Hey, I'm bonkers and they banded me! Seriously, you're on your way and I am sooo thrilled for YOU!! We're all here cheering for YOU!

  4. Figured I would stop by and say hello. I am actually still in the beginning stages of this process... the 6 month insurance wait with a surgery date in Feb. I haven't really blogged much about it yet, as very few people know about it. But I look forward to reading your blog!

  5. Yay Mari!!! So thrilled for're so creative about it! It will be all sorted before you know it, and you'll be on your way - hope your surgery date is very soon...looking forward to reading more...

  6. **New Follower**
    That is GREAT news!!!!!! I'm glad you have things worked out and I look forward to following you on your journey! Feel free to stop by my blog. I'm a newbie myself; banded 8/10.
