Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Quivering with antici...pation.

My consultation is tomorrow at 2pm.  Obviously I can't sleep because I'm SO EXCITED and nervous (and have long term insomnia) but mostly excited.  I'm in a position where if all goes well I can put down my deposit there and then and in doing so, secure my surgery date (hopefully October 29th).  I just really want to get some of this rolling, I want more info and confirmation that I'm a good candidate for surgery and once surgery is booked I can finally breathe a sigh of relief and gradually start unzipping this fat suit I've been wearing my whole life.  I'm so over it.  I'm a bit scared about going up there and having to talk about my weight and everything, it's humiliating, but I know that that's what they deal with everyday and I don't have to be embarrassed.  I can't believe this is happening.  One day...I'm going to wear a bikini.  Ha, sounds like a joke in my head right now, but I mean it.  Thank you all so much for your comments and for following me, if I'm not following you yet just comment with a link to your blog, I'm ploughing through them from start to finish, I LOVE hearing about your lives and your journeys, it's so inspiring.  I've been met with such warmth by you all, it's LOVELY!! x


  1. I want to wear a bikini, too! Great goal.

    Be sure to let us know how the appointment goes. :)

    Unzipping the fat suit is freakin' AMAZING!

  2. I hear you on the Bikini, but because of my age...I will never wear a Bikini again!! I'm going back to Hawaii for 2 weeks in December. I am just hoping to look decent in a 1 piece!! LOL

    And I am giving you another shout out in my blog in a few minutes!!

  3. You WILL wear that bikini!! I love your enthusiasm and know you're going to do soooo well!!

  4. I told Hubby that when I hit my "Holy crap! Can you believe I only weigh this?" weight, I'd wear a bikini. But as I'm losing weight, I realize that having two kids really took a toll on my tummy and plastic surgery may be necessary before a bikini can happen. But it WILL happen...for me...and for you! Good luck at your consultation!

  5. Hooray for bikinis! You'll totally get there. and is that a little Rocky Horror I see?

  6. A bikini can totally be in your future. I hope the comsult goes well for you. Just make sure this is the right doctor's office for you before you put down your money.

  7. New follower here :) Looking forward to getting to know you better !

  8. Thanks so much to all of you wonderful girls!! And Samantha, glad you got the Rocky Horror reference, absolutely love that movie! x
